Health Advantages of Dairy Products


Dairy foods have a special combination of nutrients that combine to offer a number of health advantages, including as better growth and development for kids and a lower chance of developing chronic illnesses. Calcium, vitamin D, protein, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B12, riboflavin, and other nutrients are among them.

Daily Recommendation  
Age No. of servings
2–3 years 2 cups
4–8 years 2 1/2 cups
9+ years 3 cups
Pregnant and breastfeeding 3 cups
What Is the Recommended Serving Size for Dairy Products?

Health Advantages of Dairy Products
A growing amount of research is connecting the consumption of dairy products and milk to a variety of health benefits. These benefits vary from more recent findings like lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease to well-established ones like blood pressure regulation and improved bone health.

Better bone health: Because dairy products are high in protein, calcium, and vitamin D, they are an excellent option for keeping healthy bones. Dairy products and milk are dependable sources of calcium because the body can readily absorb and use the calcium in them. Consuming the appropriate amount of dairy products each day can promote bone growth and better long-term bone health.
Lowering BP: For those with elevated blood pressure, a diet high in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and foods with a lower total saturated fat content is just as beneficial as some prescription drugs.

Lower risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: Studies have linked dietary habits that contain dairy products to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes as well as heart disease prevention.
Enhanced intestinal well-being: Probiotics are found in cultured dairy products like yoghurt and have a host of health advantages. Consuming probiotics can strengthen the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, promote wellness, and lower the chance of developing certain illnesses.

Dairy products and milk can be incorporated into a healthy diet in a variety of ways. Eat a nutritious cereal, milk, and fruit breakfast to start the day. For lunch, add cheese to a sandwich or salad. Snackle on yoghurt in the afternoon.

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