The Masturbation Guide for You


The self-stimulation of the genitalia during masturbation is done to increase sexual arousal and pleasure, typically to the point of orgasm (sexual climax). To induce an orgasm, it is customary to touch, stroke, or massage the penis or clitoris. Some women also use “sex toys,” including vibrators, or vaginal stimulation for masturbation.

For whom does someone masturbate?
Almost everyone. Even among those who have a sexual partner, masturbation is a highly prevalent behaviour. Males reported masturbating 95% of the time and females 89% of the time in a national research. For the majority of men and women, masturbation is the first sexual act. Masturbating is a common behaviour in young children as they learn about their bodies and become more confident. Masturbation is a behaviour that most people carry into adulthood and many maintain for the rest of their life.
What Makes People Masturbate?
Masturbating not only makes you feel good but also helps release sexual tension that accumulates over time, especially in the case of singles or partners who refuse to have sex. For those who want to stay away from pregnancy and the risks of STDs, masturbation is a safe sexual substitute. It’s also required when a male has to donate sperm or provide a sample of his semen for infertility tests. If an adult has sexual dysfunction, a sex therapist could recommend masturbation to either postpone or allow for the occurrence of an orgasm (which happens more frequently in women).

Is It Common to Masturbate?
Masturbation is today recognised as a normal, healthy sexual behaviour that is enjoyable, gratifying, acceptable, and safe—a far cry from its previous stigma as a pervert and an indication of a mental health issue. It’s a healthy way to enjoy sex and something you can do all your life.

Masturbation is only deemed problematic when it prevents a person from engaging in sexual activity with a partner, occurs in public, or seriously distresses the victim. If it becomes obsessive or gets in the way of everyday activities, it could be distressing.

Is it Bad to Masturbate?
Masturbation is generally regarded by the medical community as a normal and safe way for both men and women to express their sexuality. It can be used in moderation as a part of regular sexual behaviour throughout a person’s lifetime and does not result in any physical harm or impairment to the body. Certain societies and faiths forbid or even define masturbation as a sin. This may cause one to feel guilty or ashamed of their actions.

According to some experts, masturbating can really enhance relationships and sexual wellness. You can discover what makes your body feel erotically attractive to you and share this information with your partner by using masturbation to explore your own body. Some couples utilise mutual masturbation as a way to deepen their intimacy and learn how to have a more fulfilling sexual relationship.

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