Male reproductive system illnesses


Erectile dysfunction
Among the symptoms are:

 a. Having trouble obtaining an erection 
 b. Having trouble keeping an erection 
 c. A decrease in your drive for intimacy

Premature ejaculation
Ejaculating before you or your partner want it, usually before or shortly after penetration, is the only symptom.

If you are uncircumcised, this keeps you from being able to pull back your foreskin. Among the symptoms are:
a. Discoloration or redness
b. Soreness and Swelling
c. Pain during urination Pain during sex or during an erection

Your foreskin becomes lodged behind the head of your penis as a result. Your penis’s tip loses circulation due to a medical emergency. Among the symptoms are:
Inability to pull your foreskin over the head of your penis to its tip

Your testicles’ epididymis becomes inflamed as a result of this. Among the symptoms are:

 a. Warmth, soreness, or swelling in your penis
 b. Testicular pain or soreness, usually on a single side 
 c. Painful urination
 d. Strong or regular urge to urinate
 e. Leakage from the penis
 f. Any discomfort or pain in your abdomen or the region surrounding your pelvic
 g. Your semen is bloody. 

Male Infertility: This implies that even after engaging in frequent, unprotected sex for a minimum of a year, you are unable to become pregnant with your female partner.

Peyronie’s illness: This is what makes your penis bend or curve, usually during an erection. Among the symptoms are:

 a. Rough patches on your penis 
 b. Discomfort during erections or during sexual relations 
 c. A penile curvature that is there whether or not it is erect 
 d. Your penis may become shorter, narrower, or take on different forms. 
 e. Impotence

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Depending on the particular STI, the symptoms can vary, however they may include:

 a. Your penis may have warts, bumps, or sores. 
 b. Leakage from the penis 
 c. Itching or swelling near your penis 
 d. Pain when having sex or urinating 
 e. Frequent urge to urinate 

Hypogonadism: If your testosterone level falls below normal, you may experience the following symptoms:

 a. A decrease in your libido, often known as low sex drive
 b. Weary 
 c. Muscular loss 
 d. Intolerance 
 e. Impotence 
 f. Depression

Priapism: This occurs when your penis remains fully or partially erect for four hours or more without being triggered by arousal. Additional signs and symptoms could be:

 a. Although the shaft of your penis is stiff, the tip of your penis is still soft. 
 b. A penile ache that worsens with time 
 c. The shaft of your penis is erect but not totally hard. 

Testicular Torsion: This is an emergency medical situation where your testicles aren’t getting blood flow. Among the symptoms are:

 a. Scrotal edoema that hurts on one side
 b. A visible bulge on one of your testicles 
 c. There's a difference in height between your testicles. 
 d. Your scrotum may get discoloured, turning it red, purple, brown, or black. 
 e. Vomiting and nausea 
 f. Ache in the lower abdomen 
 g. Increased frequency of urination fever

Varicocele: The enlargement of veins in the scrotum is the result of this disorder. Your fertility may be affected by this. Usually, there are no symptoms. But you might note the following:

 a. A dull discomfort in your scrotum or in your testicles
 b. Testicles or scrotum swelling 
 c. Decreased size of your testicles 
 d. A little bump over the afflicted testicle or testicles

Hypospadias: The urethra opens on the underside of the penis rather than the tip in men and women AMAB with this birth abnormality. Among the symptoms are:

 a. Curving downward on your penis 
 b. Your foreskin only covers the upper half of your penis, giving the appearance that it is hooded. 
 c. When you urinate, your pee does not spray as it should. 

Testicular carcinoma: The symptoms of this rare yet extremely curable cancer kind are as follows:

A growth or bump in one or both of your testicles
A sensation of weight in your scrotum
A constant aching sensation in your groyne or lower abdomen
An abrupt enlargement of your penis
Any discomfort or pain in your scrotum or testicles
Your breasts grow larger or more sensitive.
Back discomfort
Carcinoma of the penis: The symptoms listed below may be caused by this uncommon kind of cancer:

 a. A portion of your penis's skin thickens or changes colour.
 b. A protuberance on your penis 
 c. An ulcer that is bleeding on your penis 
 d. A velvety, crimson rash on your penis 
 e. Crusting, little lumps on your penis 
 f. Bluish-brown, flat growths on your penis 
 g. Your penis swelling 
 h. A foul-smelling leak beneath your foreskin 

Carcinoma of the prostate: It is probable that symptoms won’t appear until the prostate cancer has progressed. Among the symptoms could be:

 a. Difficulties urinating, such as a weak, sluggish stream or more frequent urination at night.
 b. Blood in your pee or semen
 c. Impotence 
 d. Indications that your cancer has progressed past your prostate include pain in your hips, back, ribs, and other areas. 
 e. Your legs or feet feel weak or numb. 
 f. A loss of bowel or bladder control 
 g. Loss of weight 
 h. Weary 
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