Male Sexual Issues


Many males experience difficulties with sex. Experts refer to this as sexual dysfunction. These challenges may be brought on by your marital troubles, stress, health, and other problems.

A little over 43% of women and 31% of men report having problems with sex. However, a lot of sexual issues can be resolved through treatment or other means. Physicians now know more about them than ever before because of continued research.

Typical Sexual Issues
Problems might arise during sex at different times. Men could go through:

Inability to get or keep an erection
Lack of sexual desire
Orgasms that happen too slowly or too quickly
Inability to have orgasms

Other potential problems include:
Imperfections in your penis. One kind is called Peyronie’s disease, when the penis bends due to a collagen or scar tissue accumulation.

When semen is pushed back into your bladder rather than your penis, this is known as retrograde ejaculation. Men who have diabetes-related nerve damage or who have had bladder or prostate surgery may experience this.

Sex & Ageing
It’s normal to experience certain changes in your libido and sexual drive as you get older. To achieve and maintain an erection, you might want more stimulation or foreplay before to sex. After an orgasm, getting an erection could also take longer.

However, abrupt shifts might indicate a more serious issue. Consult your physician if this occurs.

Health Issues
Your sexual life is also impacted by your general health and any underlying medical disorders. The following illnesses may have an impact on your libido or desire for sex:

Heart and vascular (blood vessel) disease
Hormone imbalances
Nervous system disorders like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol

Your ability to have sex or your sex drive suddenly changing could indicate a medical issue. If you detect them, let your doctor know.

Drugs for depression and high blood pressure are examples of medications that can influence sex. Ask your doctor to adjust your prescription or to manage the adverse effects if you experience issues after starting a new medication.

Additionally detrimental to your sexual performance are unhealthy habits like smoking and binge drinking. Conversely, consistent exercise, weight loss, and stress reduction may enhance your sexual life.

Emotional and Mental Problems
Your sex life can be significantly impacted by stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental and emotional conditions. A mere concern over one’s performance in the bedroom can prevent one from experiencing the pleasure of intimate sex. Guilt over having sex, fear of getting pregnant, or flashbacks of a painful sex encounter might also be factors.

Relationship issues might also contribute to sexual problems. You can be sexually affected by your partner’s anger, your disinterest in the relationship, and other lingering problems.

Obtaining Assistance
You may have anxiety or shyness when discussing your sexual issues with your physician. But the first step to receiving assistance is being honest about your worries.

Your physician will inquire about the situation. In order to determine whether an underlying medical condition is the root of your sexual troubles, they might perform a physical examination and prescribe additional testing, like a blood test.

Options for Treatment
Your doctor may need to treat a medical problem before addressing your sex life if it’s causing depression, diabetes, heart disease, or obesity.

Your doctor may advise you to quit bad habits like smoking or binge drinking and may also push for regular exercise. Both your sexual function and general health can be enhanced by these practices.

Additional alternatives for treatment consist of:
a. Counselling to treat depression or other mental health issues, or to help you manage stress, anxiety, fear, or guilt.
b. Prescription drugs for erection issues, such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, or Stendra.
c. Shots of erection-related medications, such as alprostadil
d. Hormone imbalance treatments such as testosterone replacement therapy
e. Medical devices that assist in achieving an erection include vacuum erection devices.
f. Surgery for penis implants
g. Surgery to fix malformed penises
h. Wearing a device on your penis to rectify abnormalities is known as penile traction therapy.

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